Video Blackjack, Video

Blackjack is also known to many gamblers and professional casino players as 21. This game is called 21 because the objective of every player is to get a value of 21 in the cards that are distributed by the dealer. There is also an efficient betting structure used in this game, which is why many gamblers are hooked with blackjack.
Video blackjack is another variation of the famous card game. The Emerald Princess is now offering this game to their passengers. Basically, video blackjack follows the same rules as with the traditional version of blackjack. In this manner, blackjack players are able to instantly play the game without spending too much time learning and adapting new rules. They can also apply the same strategies or betting systems that they use in traditional blackjack.
Video Poker Video poker made its entry to the casino in the seventies; and is today one of the most popular forms of gambling. For the player who likes a game of skill, a low house edge, the possibility of large wins, and the anonymity of playing alone there is nothing else that can compare to video poker. The rules of video poker are simple, the machine gives you five cards, you choose which to hold and which to discard, the machine replaces your discards and pays you off according to the value of your hand.
The history of Video Games goes as far back as the 1940s, when in 1947 Thomas T. Goldsmith, Jr. and Estle Ray Mann filed a United States patent request for an invention they described as a "cathode ray tube amusement device." Video gaming would not reach mainstream popularity until the 1970s and 80s, when arcade video games, gaming consoles and...