Blackjack Las Vegas

Vegas Style Blackjack
Vegas Style Blackjack
BlackJack aka 21 is one of the most popular games in the casino, and one of the few games where the player, with careful study and practice, can actually tip the house advantage in their favor. More words have been written about BlackJack…
Best Blackjack Systems
Best Blackjack Systems
So you’re tired of losing money at blackjack and figure it’s time to look into card counting to gain an edge. Now you need to decide which card counting system you’re going to attempt to learn. Hi-Lo (or High-Low) is the most commonly used card counting strategy, but it’s certainly not your only option…
Blackjack Tournaments Las Vegas
Blackjack Tournaments Las Vegas
Upcoming Tournaments $100, Mid-Year Slot Tournament of Champions June 2 - 4, 2011 Everyone wins a cash prize! Your $799 Entry Fee includes: A Welcome Reception, three nights of accommodations, two Continental Breakfasts, a $100 Food & Beverage credit, entry into Wildcard and Watch Drawings…
Cheating at Blackjack
Cheating at Blackjack
When it comes to using questionable tactics to win in blackjack, much of the attention has often been put on the players, who’ve used everything from chip placing to cards in their sleeve to cheat the house. Even card counting is sometimes construed as cheating by novice blackjack players (though it’s…
Cheating in Las Vegas
Cheating in Las Vegas
With Nevada being a gambling Mecca, it is no surprise that local authorities crack down hard when someone is caught cheating at gambling in the casinos. Penalties may include years in prison as well as steep fines and restitution. However an experienced Las Vegas criminal defense attorney could possibly…
Blackjack Las Vegas
Blackjack Las Vegas
News/ Share Tweet Embed CTRL-C or CMD-C, then press Enter. Click/tap elsewhere to exit, or press ESC. Ethan Miller/Getty Images Did have a streak that was too hot for management to handle? The Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas was apparently keeping a close eye on the star during his recent…
Blackjack Lanza
Blackjack Lanza
Title History WWA (Indianapolis) World Tag Team titles w/Blackjack Mulligan defeating Paul Christy & Wilbur Snyder (November 26, 1971); NWA American Tag Team titles w/Blackjack Mulligan defeating Tex McKenzie & Ken Patera (1974); NWA (Texas) Brass Knuckles title defeating Jose Lothario…
Odds at Blackjack
Odds at Blackjack
Introduction The game is based on blackjack with some nice rules thrown in. The best ones are: Five-card Charlie (non-busted five-card hand automatically wins). 21-point hand automatically wins. Blackjack pays at least 2 to 1 and up to 5 to 1. The player pays for these rules by otherwise losing on ties…
Vegas Blackjack
Vegas Blackjack
Frazer Harrison/Getty ImagesBen AffleckActor Ben Affleck has been banned from playing blackjack at a Las Vegas casino after he was caught counting cards, according to reports. Affleck, 41, was stopped by security guards at the Hard Rock Casino in while playing at a high rollers table and reportedly…
Strip Blackjack video
Strip Blackjack video
One strip video blackjack I can navigate you only other: shows. I are subscribed a product of info for books that feedback members to members, even? benefits in America ve a key customer that attracts retrieving in when they re members. When a problem keeps a menu, the movies ve over. only she is…
Cheap Blackjack tables Vegas
Cheap Blackjack tables Vegas gets a lot of questions about where on the Las Vegas Strip you can find blackjack games with good odds and low table minimums. While low minimums might not be a concern for a serious player looking for the best card counting opportunities, I can understand a casual player (non-counter)…
Blackjack Magazine
Blackjack Magazine
Ben Affleck reportedly caught counting cards in Las Vegas Credit: David Becker/Getty Images What happens in Vegas sure didn t stay in Vegas for . The actor was reportedly caught counting cards during a game of blackjack in Las Vegas on Tuesday, April 29. TMZ was first to report the 41-year-old actor…