Blackjack online Games

I have decided to add more free blackjack games to the website. It may be a few days to weeks before I can get the appropriate instructions for each game; however, you can play any of these blackjack variations listed below. You can also click on any of the links in the sidebar to try out these new blackjack games.
The original blackjack game that was on this site can still be played here. This game is presented by Betsson; once you have played for about two minutes or so, Betsson will prompt you to Keep Playing at their website. The other blackjack games listed below will not make you leave the website in order to continue playing.
Free Blackjack Games
From time to time, one of these games may be down for a period of time up to a day. If you notice any blackjack games that appear to be broken, please send me an email
Basic Blackjack Rules
There are certain things that you need to be aware of when you are thinking about playing any of these games for real money. First, you must realize that all of these games are intended to have about the same house advantage in favor of the casino.
What this means is that the rules and payouts are going to change to be more favorable towards the dealer when a special option is added.
For instance, because you can see the dealer's cards in Faces Up Blackjack, you will only get paid 1 to 1 on a blackjack. A second example would be that the dealer wins all ties in Pontoon, but getting a 5 card trick or Pontoon will pay out 2 to 1.
You have to be very careful that you know the rules and strategies for each game. I know that this is kind of hard when I haven't filled in the Instructions for each game yet; but I will get there with a little bit of time and I will show you the best techniques for each blackjack game.
The best thing to do for any beginner is to find a blackjack strategy card for each game. For every slight variation, like the dealer hitting on Soft 17, there will be a slight change to the blackjack card which will change what you should do in a particular situation.
Let's take this blackjack strategy card which I receive from It was specifically made for the Betsson blackjack game. It will highlight what you should do when you with any two cards against the dealer's one Up Card.
Obviously, this doesn't mean that you always need to do exactly what the card says. However, you shouldn't stray to far from the advice given on the strategy card.
If the dealer is showing a 6 and you have 13, you have to stand; you may get it right by going against the card once in a while when you "feel it" coming but you will lose more overall if you continue to do this.
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