Blackjack strategy card print

We have put together a printable version of the classic blackjack strategy card. We suggest printing out this card and carrying it around with you in your wallet when you go to play blackjack. It's not easy to memorize every single move, so having a blackjack strategy card handy can save you from making some bad plays.

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Use the following steps in order to print the blackjack strategy card:
Internet Explorer - Right Click on image - Select 'Print Picture'
Firefox - Right Click on image - Select 'View Image' (this will open a new window with only the image) - From the 'File' menu select 'Print'
This blackjack 21 strategy card is the most accurate card based on millions of computerized hand analysis. The only reason you would need to play differently than what is printed on this card is if you were an expert card counter and could adjust your strategy to whatever the current count is. But, for most of us out there that didn't graduate from MIT, this blackjack strategy card is more than enough.
A game of chance is a game whose outcome is strongly influenced by some randomizing device, and upon which contestants may or may not wager money or anything of monetary value. Common devices used include dice, spinning tops, playing cards, roulette wheels or numbered balls drawn from a container.
Any game of chance that involves anything of...

Blackjack Strategy: The Ultimate Guide To Winning at Blackjack and Dominate The Casino (Blackjack Strategy, Gambling, Counting Cards, Blackjack Strategy Card) eBooks |