Blackjack Strategy Chart

Rules to play Blackjack
Prior to Amendment 50 blackjack was not allowed, but on Nov. 4, 2008, Colorado Voters passed sweeping changes to the limited gaming act that not only raised the maximum betting limits on a given hand from $5 to $100, but also made to allow for other game types including blackjack. Here is the layout…

Blackjack hit stand chart
Below you ll find our blackjack strategy charts for multi-deck blackjack where the dealer stands on soft 17 and one where the dealer hits on soft 17. The casino always has the edge in the game of blackjack. There are, however strategy tips that you can use to reduce this house edge and therefore maximize…

Best Blackjack app
We’re excited to announce that our Blackjack app has been chosen by appPicker as one of the “Best Blackjack Apps for iPad”! appPicker is a website where you can find the latest news about iOS apps and Apple, along with reviews on thousands of apps. It’s an honor to be a top choice by appPicker, amid…

At Home Casino games
There is one thing that you are always going to be guaranteed of if you own one of the mobile phones or mobile tablet devices that have the Android operating system attached to them is a very large and diverse range of mobile slot that you are going to be able to play on those devices! Not only that…

Blackjack Betting chart
BlackJack Bet Chart is a easy and light weight chart you can memorize and use to better your odds at a casino while playing BlackJack. In conjunction with our iPod/iPhone Multi-Hand BlackJack game BlackJack 3-Hand Edition already on the AppStore you should be able to master the table and bring home…

21 Cards
Tis the season to send some love to your bestie. With the holiday season in full swing, it s time to start thinking about all those wonderful people who make your life truly merry. Whether it s your BFF from college, a long-distance bestie or your one ride-or-die that s been with you from the beginning…

MIT Blackjack chart
Dr. Edward O. Thorp is considered to be one of the fathers of card counting. His 1962 book, Beat the Dealer sketched out not just what became somewhat of the foundation of card counting, but also several theories on how to play strategically correct blackjack. In many ways, Thorp was ahead of his time…

Casino Security
Certainly, criminals have tried tons of different strategies for stealing money from the world’s largest casinos. A handful of these heists have worked, because they identified the weakest security links in otherwise extremely well-guarded casinos. Shrewd security directors recognize the need to protect…

Super Blackjack
Introduction Super Fun 21 is a blackjack variation found at lots of casinos in Las Vegas. There are lots of liberal rules offset by most blackjacks paying only even money. The Rules Blackjack rules are followed with these specifics and changes: The game is with one, two, or six decks. Dealer usually…

Blackjack Bankroll Calculator
The Unofficial Guide to Casino Gambling by Basil Nestor Basil Nestor incorporates decades of gambling knowledge to give the reader insight into probability, common gambling mistakes, and winning strategies in his popular book, The Unofficial Guide to Casino Gambling. Covering all the bases of casino…

Blackjack Basic strategy chart
It s a tidy little grid, with possible player hands down the side, and possible dealer face-up cards John Grochowski is the author of six gaming books including the Answer Book series - The Casino Answer Book, The Video Poker Answer Book, The Craps Answer Book and a revised edition of The Slot Machine…