Blackjack card counting Trainer

To be an effective professional card counter, you need to do more than just learn the charts and keep the count.You need to learn how to think like an advantage player.
These blog articles will further your Advantage Play IQ.
2 card counters can generate vastly different amounts of EV. And it has to do with more than just avoiding mistakes and betting units. Learn to look for every way to generate more EV. View Article
Having success at this job involves, what Ian Andersen calls, “treating the casino like the customer.” Having good “customer service” will get you a long way! View Article
You’d be amazed at what can happen in a casino with a little bit of gumption! Loudon Ofton explains from experience what might happen if you aren’t the typical timid card counter. View Article
In the cat and mouse game of advantage play, you must always be aware of what is going on at the time. If conditions are loose, be prepared to strike! View Article
There are several mathematical terms that are essential to understand if you want to be a professional card counter. Guest author, SouthAP, contributed this article to help new advantage players get a handle on the terms, as well as how they apply in the real world of a card counter. View Article
Atom is a popular card game played in China. Atom is usually played with four people with three packs of cards, including the jokers. The objective of the game is to run out of cards as soon as possible AND get as many points as possible.
Atom is described as easy-to-learn but hard-to-master requiring mathematic and strategic thinking as well...