Hit or stay Blackjack

Fundamentally blackjack comes down to whether you ‘hit’ or ‘stand’. Of course there have been big winners who have had that lucky night when they flew in the face of the odds and made some amazing hands. But these are the players who nine times out of 10 will walk away having blown their bankroll.
Blackjack players can maximise their chances by following some simple strategy when playing. This article will explain the simple blackjack table and teach you how the odds directly affect your long term bottom line in gambling.
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What does ‘Hit’ & ‘Stand’ mean when playing Blackjack?
The aim of the game in blackjack is to get as close to or get 21 without going over it. When it’s your turn you have the option to hit. For instance the dealer has just dealt you a five and a nine and then hit a King. You would always ‘hit’ and get dealt another card in this situation in an attempt to get closer to 21.
To ‘stand’ in blackjack is to say no to any more cards being dealt to you. This means you are confident that your hand will hold up against whatever the dealer comes up with.
There are also several other options when playing poker including doubling down, which is when you are allowed to double your bet on your hand, but you then receive only one more card. This is a profitable move on occasion if you hit, for instance a 5-6 (which makes 11) and the dealer only has a low card.
Some casinos will also let you double down after splitting which can also be a profitable for players.
Then there is the early surrender and surrender rule, which is for another article.
Blackjack Basic Strategy Table
It doesn’t sounds so glamorous, but to give yourself the best possible odds at winning at blackjack there is a table that you can follow, which tells you what to do in every situation. For instance the table recommends always standing when you have 17 or higher, even if the dealer has an Ace or card worth 10.
The table works in a simple format. It displays the card the dealer has across the top of the table. It then shows every possible player hand down the left hand side of the table. You can then scan across the top for the dealer’s card and then go directly down the corresponding column to your combination to see what you should do.
The table to the right is proven by probability theory, which by no means is a certain result, but means the odds are pointing towards this result. Another way the table is proven to throw out the right results is by simulating thousands of blackjack hands with different strategies to see which caused the player to lose money the slowest.
For instance, splitting eights, can seem like the wrong move, but computers have proven that in the long run, over thousands of hands that it is the right move.
When it comes down to it, there are ways that you can maximise your earnings, but remember the house always wins.
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