How to deal Cards?

- Know the basics.
- Read the game rules, to see if each player gets an even amount of cards or a different amount.
- Check to see if the game requires a separate pile on the side. This extra pile is known as a "kitty" or "discard pile". It can be used as extra cards to play in the game, a discard pile for unwanted cards, or leftover ones that aren't going to be used in the game.
- Count how many people are playing the game. The smaller amount of people that play, the more cards a person gets, as well as the higher amount of people, the less cards a person gets. Assuming that the entire deck without Jokers are dealt, this is a general guide:
- 2 people = 26 cards each with 0 leftovers
- 3 people = 17 cards each with 1 leftover
- 4 people = 13 cards each with 0 leftovers
- 5 people = 10 cards each with 2 leftovers
- 6 people = 8 cards each with 4 leftovers
- 7 people = 7 cards each with 3 leftovers
- 8 people = 6 cards each with 4 leftovers
- Make sure that the cards are facing down to ensure that no one can see what other people are getting.
- 4
Start out with the person on your left when dealing the cards. Move clock-wise in a circle and give yourself a card last.
Repeat the process until the amount of cards specified in the rules are distributed.
- 5
Place any leftovers in the middle as the "discard pile".
- 6
Double check the amount of cards distributed. Once the discard pile is made, do a card count. Everyone should have the same amount of cards, except if the card rules says differently.
- 7
Know that for the next game, the person to the left of the previous dealer is the new dealer. The previous dealer then gets the 2nd to the last card of the "round".
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- Switching directions is another method of ensuring the cards are shuffled well.
- For beginners, it helps to count how many "rounds" of dealing. If there's 4 people playing, you can say, "1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2".
400 is a Lebanese trick-taking card game played in two partnerships with a standard deck of 52 playing cards. The object of the game is to be the first team to reach forty-one points. The game somewhat resembles Spades, but with subtle differences.
To accumulate the most points at or beyond 41; points are accrued by winning at least the number...