Vegas Casino Rules

Under the set of rules adopted by the Nevada Gaming Commission on Thursday, casino operators must make at least one employee in charge of monitoring their nightclubs and a broad set of club employees need to register in the same way as casino workers, among other requirements. The regulations were hashed out in previous workshops that included the Gaming Control Board members and industry representatives.
The registration requirement applies to “all supervisors, managers, security and surveillance personnel, servers, server assistants, bussers, restroom attendants” and anyone employed or contracted to offer hosting or VIP services, according to a draft of the regulations.
Security and safety requirements are included, too. The regulations say operators need to “regularly assess” their calendars to consider their impact on attendance and “determine and engage appropriate security personnel.” Clubs must also abide by certain requirements for emergency medical support, depending on the anticipated size of their events.
Other parts of the regulations deal with the registration of independent hosts and promoters, the written policies and procedures of nightclubs, regulators’ access to the clubs and “unsuitable methods of operation.” The rules also detail requirements for when operators must report suspected criminal activity.
By putting the nightclubs under stricter regulatory scrutiny, regulators hope to prevent repeats of what Commission Chairman Tony Alamo described as “very difficult complaints” regarding the venues in the past.
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