21 rules of this House

Monthly Archives: April 2013
July 17, 2017 – 04:09 am
21 Rules of this House 21

Homeschool Support GroupsMy favorite piece of curriculum is one that is out of print right now, but we do still get it in on consignment. It made the biggest change in the character of my kids and the dynamics of my family, but only because we used it consistently. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that it’s author is Gregg Harris, father of Joshua Harris of I Kissed Dating Goodbye fame.

Gregg posted this explanation on his blog in 2009.

The 21 Rules of This House, listed below, cover just about every situation common to young children and teens. They were developed over 30 years ago to help my wife and me be more consistent in what we required of our children as members of our household. It is so easy to allow our own moods to change the boundaries of what we will tolerate from one day to the next. In far too many homes the only real rule is to stay out of Mom or Dad’s way when they are in a bad mood. Otherwise, when they are in a good mood, the kids can get away with almost anything. The goal in the use of the 21 Rules is to clarify what is pleasing and displeasing to parents, regardless of their moods, and to administer discipline without anger, and then only in response to willful defiance of what the child knows to be right.

My oldest son, Joshua Harris, now a respected author and pastor, illustrated each house rule for a coloring book when he was just 14 years old. We published it successfully for many years. Used copies are still available occasionally through Amazon.com’s Used Book search engine. I post them here in response to many requests from families with younger children.

Source: hspbooks.com
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Popular Q&A
Which house rules?

excuse me but that's a very stupid and unintelligent answer.
It all depends on what house your talking about. Could you be more specific?
first off kids get on here and look for questions so do not be mean
second off yes she is wright your not to do anyyhing unapropriat

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